
The Baby Day

Sure enough, when Mrs. Ambrose told her class that Billy's mum was bringing her baby into the classroom for the afternoon. 
Mrs. Ambrose divided the class into three groups.
The third groups were painting pictures of Jasmine. Jasmine was delighted with her paintbrush. She whacked the table with it, and showered them all with paint. 
If anyone tried to take it off her, she smacked them with it.
Billy's class was doing a project on 'Young and Old' so Billy's class room teacher asked Billy's mom to bring her baby, Jasmine. When Jasmine came at crass room, students were delighted.

 162 words 

puzzle: 困らせる
brilliant: 輝く
admire: ほめる
clever: 利口な
yawn: あくびをする
refuse: 断る
perch: 腰かける
pushchair: 母乳車
suck: しゃぶる
exclaim: 叫ぶ
delight: 喜ぶ
giggle: くすくす笑う
properly: きちんと
astonish: 驚く

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