
Peter Pan

 Neverland is magical. Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, and the children fly to Neverland.
Peter Pan, Thinker Bell, and the Children fly and fly. They see Ben. They are Happy.

   I want to see Peter Pan and Tinker Bell then I want them to fly I can. I want to go Neverland too. This book has children's dream so very popular.

60 words

Food in Kyushu

Kyushu has many famous foods so I introduce it.

First place is Kumamoto. Kumamoto have Ikinaridango that was made wheat flour, bean jam and  sweet potato. I introduce its recipe. First, puff sweet potato then sandwich the red bean paste and sweet potato dough of wheat flour then puff.

Second place is Miyazaki where have mango. Miyazaki's mango is so sweet and flesh. Let's eat!

Last place is Kagoshima where have sweet potato. One do the famous food is sweet potato's liquor.

Do you want come to Kyushu? I recommend eating Kyushu' food.   93 words



"Brad", Mum said, "I've just had a talk with the dentist. She wants me to  send you to someone who can fit braces right away." "No-o-o-o!!" I shouted.
    One boy had a full of metal. Having braces was bad, but what happened next was terrible.  One day stormy afternoon, he was walking home from school. Suddenly, there was a loud crack and lightning hit the ground in front of him. He felt his hair stand up on end. When he got home and ate dinner that night, his fork stuck to his braces.
   The next day, his braces were still magnetic, so he tried to keep his mouth shut. But, in science class, he forgot. Flew up little bits of metal and into his mouth. At lunch time, he had a problem with a tap. His classmate, Emma Green, help him. She had a bit old set of metal too. His braces were locked on Emma's. Then Emma and he were becoming friends, and having our braces didn't matter at all.

stormy: 嵐
fright: 恐怖
bit: 小片                       180 words

Gofun ha Juubun

Today I twenty minute late to school because I slept late this morning. I played volleyball yesterday so I was tired, I think.

23 words


Food in Kumamoto

Kumamoto has many famous foods, for example, karashi-renkon, ikinari-dango, strawberry etc. My favorite Kumamoto food is ikinari-dango that is made flour, sweet potato and anko. It is very sweet! Let's tray it.
32 words

My Golden Week

My GW was very hard because I went to Asikita center to play sport. First I played soccer. That day was very hot so I was so tired but dinner was delicious. It made me fine. Then we go onnsen. Next day we played  bale ball.
                      43 words


The Call of the Wolf

"Ruki heard the wolf's call at night time. The cave was so dark that Ruki could not see past his small fire. But, he knew thee wolf was not far away. He grabbed his knife and waited."

   One day Ruki opened his eyes and started into the darkness. He had heard something that the call of the wolf. He was afraid but he knew that he would ave to go out to meet that wolf. He knew that it would be one of the most important things he would ever do. Then he got up and went outside. "Did you hear the call?" his father asked. Ruki nodded. "Then you know it's time to go to the cave in the woods. It will be a big test for you.", said his father.
   At the cave, Ruki made a small fire and he began thinking about what he would do when the wolf came. Next few days, Ruki heard the wolf's call at night. He knew the wolf was not far away so he grabbed his knife and waited. He pulled some food. Suddenly, the wolf came out then began to gulp it down. When the food was gone, the wolf looked up at Ruki and turned and left.
He had passed the test. 

darkness: 暗闇
howl: 遠吠えする
shiver: 震える
cave: 洞窟
wood: 木材
growl: うなり声
gulp: がつがつ食べる           246 words


Mr.Putter and the Tabby catch the Cold

"Tabby rubbed against Mr. Putter to help him feel better."Ah-choo!" went Mr. Putter in Tabby's face. She decided to stay on his lap."
   Mr. Putter and his fine cat, Tabby, loved the snow. One day he caught a cold because he went out in the snow without his hat.
   Next day he called Mrs. Teaberry Who helped him. Her good dog, Zeke, brought chicken soup and peppermint tea with honey sticks. Mr. Putter said "Hooray" and "Yippee!" He was feeling much better but he wished he had one more thing. He asked Mrs. Teaberry to brought adventure book. Then Zeke brought it. He and Tabby and Zeke curled up in his bed and read all day long. He sounded a little funny with his stuffy nose. When the adventure story was over, they all snuggled up and went to sleep-full of soup and tea and adventure. It was the best cold he ever caught.

cozy: 居心地の良い
sneeze: くしゃみをする
miserable: みじめな、不幸な
rub: こする
lap: 膝
Thermos: サーモス(魔法瓶)
hooray: (hurray)ばんざい
yippee: きゃあ、わぁ
desperate: 絶望的な
stuffy: 鼻が詰まった
snuggle up: すり寄る                         224 words


Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train

 "Mr. Putter just stuck the lollipops back in and patted the pack on its head.
Mrs. Teaberry looked a little different, too.She was wearing a smock with very big pockets full of cards and games and binoculars and banana scrunchies. And she carried a picnic basket that purred. But no one could hear it except Mrs. Teaberry. "
   One day Mr. Putter was invited Mrs. Teaberry. She said "I think we should take a train!" Mr. Putter agreed with what she said because he loved trains. They were going to bring there pets; Tabby and Zeke.
   Next day they went to ticket counter.  "Pets can't go on trains." said ticket woman. But they had another idea; They hide Tabby and Zeke in there bag and picnic basket. They enjoyed trip.

oatmeal: ひき割りオート麦に牛乳と砂糖を加えたかゆ
odd: 異常な
declare: 宣言する
binocular: 双眼鏡
Chug: (蒸気機関車の)ポッポッ
snore: いびきをかく
                                                                    187 words